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~CUTE: Construir Unido Tu Esp@cio...~BUSY: Building United a Sp@ce for Yourself...~BESE : B@tir Ensemble Son Esp@ce.
Within the @rtistic  ESL PROJECT, yet under Construction!,
as hornets who build nests up to 9 honeycombs high,
and the Sun who gave birth to the 9 planets,
the @pprentice, mostly with Yahoo!, Word, and Netscape Composers 4.8 and 7.1,
builds a Hive @malgam of 9 Web p@ges, in her, his personal FREE Web sp@ce.
Throughout the project, the @pprentice may use and discover
in her(him)self the 9 Muses' 9 Intelligences.

After the macroStructure of the pedagogical scenario, the ESL project is thereafter briefly explained, through the CATWOE, : its clients, its actors, the transformations aimed, worldwide Works in the wider World that ressemble it, its owner, organizer, and finally its ecological relation with the environment; it ends with the evalution element.

has 12 modules, of which the first three introduce
1) the project's structure, 2) the Web and Web Sp@ces, 3) the technological prerequisites.
Each of the following 9 main modules has a Muse, an Intelligence, a color, a region of the body.
Each module is a micro project, during which the constructing @pprentice designs a Web p@ge, solves new problems, discovers, uses and familiarises with Wise Webm@ster's @bilities and @ttitudes.

The clients
The clients aimed within this project are firstly high school, first cycle, ESL or EESL, Enriched English Second Language, students and implicitely their teachers and /or teachers in formation. Of course, the learning environment may also be used by anyone who may wish to acquire the competencies, abilities and attitudes aimed by the CBB project.

The actors
The actors of the project will be the (eventual) clients themselves, plus myself, Djeault, the designer of the CBB project. Although digital learning environments (environnements d'apprentissage informatisé) are usually constructed by a team, I mostly worked alone on this project, thus assuming the functions of content specialist, pedagogical designer, interface designer and builder, and Webm@ster...

The transformations, or pedagogical objectives.
The transformations aimed throughout the CBB project are within the learners who become familiar with the Structures of a Web sp@ce, and of a Blog system, by having them build their very own Web Sp@ce, with 9 p@ges, and their very own BLOG.
Thus the learner may acquire practical and theorical knowledge on:

The following list doesn't present the objectives as they are distributed through the modules,
but rather regrouped as the titled paragraphs present them...
The Enneagonal Analogy on which sits  , namely:
The 9 Muses nurish the nine Intelligences of Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory.
9 Muses; 9 intelligences;  9 honeycombs; 9 planets; 9 main modules.

The triangular Analogy
To each Muse, Djeault offers a Chromatic color.
Each Intelligence relates to her region of the the Human Body,
and thus to her region(s) of the brain system.

the Logics of
The Web.
Yahoo! Web Servers, Haut et Fort Blog System, Proboards Forums.
Security principles within Web sp@ces, Blogs and Forums.
N@vigation Systems.

Visual Elegance and the
Aesthetic and digital principles within Web sp@ces.
Types of im@ges, their weight, their copyrights.
Paint and programs.

Linguistic Communications as
Fairy Tales and /or Short Stories.
Sonnets and /or Haïkus. Linguistic & Musical
Interview & Presentation of a partner in a Forum.
Telling a Dream in your Blog.

Webmaster's Interpersonal Abilities within
Home p@ges.
Web sp@ce pl@ns.
"Composer 4.8 Tables".

Webmaster's Personal Tools like
Composer 4.8.
Composer 7.1.
PowerPoint presentations.

Webmaster's Handy Tricks as
UBB coding.
HTML coding.

The World Wide Works in the Wider World
Since Web sp@ces have only existed for about 10 years, we can say that it is a fairly new phenomena, just as teaching to high school students to build themselves their very own Sp@ce. I insist on "very own", because I have observed thet even at University level, Web sp@ces are often built in teams and pairs; though I am an enthusiastic believer in the socio-constructivist approach, I suggest that we must not forget its second word: constructivist. I tend to think that constructivist has a very intra personal connotation, meaning that although we may, and should, work and learn with others, in the end, the very individual has to give sense to her, his learning, and also to acquire for (her)himself, competencies, attitudes, abilities...

The organizers
As I wrote above, I've been mostly been working alone on this project, and that within my master's degree in educational Technology, at Laval University. This summer 2004, I will be putting the last finishing touches to my essay and to the CBB project, secretely hoping for that moment when I'll be officially allowed to add "Me" before my n@me Djeault.

The environment
I am actually building the CBB project within 12 modules x two: 12 modules for ESL teachers (including myself) who may lead the project with their students, plus 12 modules directed to the students. The first three modules introduce the project's structure, the Web's and Web sp@ces' structure, and Security matters, within Yahoo! or not. The last nine modules are structured through the nine Intelligences of Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, meaning to say that I distributed the competencies to develop throughout the nine modules, trying to tinge each module with an Intelligence, though not exclusively. In order to favor the understanding (and thus the memorization) of the nine intelligences, I also reorganized them, according to the region of the body to which they relate the most, as shown in the im@ge on top of this text; I will explain why and how within my essay, and also the implications I think it should have on learning programs...

Another environment that influences the CBB project is the last data of the newest Reform of Education that applies to high school's first cycle in general, but also, specifically to the ESL and EESL domains; the new Reform does encourage students to publish on the Web and I thus suggest that the students should be encouraged to cre@te their very own Blogs, Web sp@ces, and /or dom@in, so that later on, when they don't go to a particular school anymore, they may come back to their sp@ce and improve it and /or build onto it, and /or flush it, if that's what they wish.

I here try to improve the actual temporary existence of Web sp@ces built during courses at University Laval; up tp recently, those Web sp@ces were flushed after each session, even though they could keep on existing if the students would use a server of their choice, whether free or not.

Yet another pedagogical design environment that shapes  is the MISA, (méthode d'ingénierie d'un système d'apprentissage). As proposed through the MISA, were therefore built some gr@phs to better explain knowledge and that, with the programs MOT and Paint.

Evaluation of learning objectives in  is based on the MISA scale:
Sensitisation; familiarisation; mastering; expertise

Top of P@ge

Last modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Friday, July 23, 2004.
Forelast modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, June 20, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Wednesday, June 16, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Tuesday, June 15, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, May 30, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Thursday, May 27, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Tuesday, May 25, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, May 17, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, May 16, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, May 9, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Saturday, May 8, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Wednesday, April 21, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Friday, April 2, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Sunday, January 25, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Thursday, January 15, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Tuesday, January 13, 2004.
Modific@tions by Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Monday, January 12, 2004.
P@ge built by Joseph  Deneault, dit Djeault, with Netscape Composer 4.8, on Friday, January 9, 2003.

Gr@phs built by Djeault in winter 2004 with MOT 2.3 and Paint on January 12, 2004.
Revisions of the above SwitchBo@rd were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Saturday, May 8, 2004.
Revisions of the SwitchBo@rd's gifs were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Sunday, May 16, 2004.
Revisions of the SwitchBo@rd's gifs were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Tuesday, May 25, 2004.
Revisions of the SwitchBo@rd's gifs were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Sunday, May 30, 2004.
Forelast revisions of the SwitchBo@rd's gifs were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Tuesday, June 15, 2004.
Last revisions of the SwitchBo@rd's gifs were m@de by Djeault, with Paint, on Sunday, June 20, 2004.

Top of P@ge